California: Santa Clara withholds 49ers stadium security report

Santa Clara is blocking access to the 49ers stadium security report when many are concerned about fan safety after some recent violence at 49ers games.

Interim City Attorney Elizabeth Silver refused a public records request for a report prepared in 2009 by the now retired Santa Clara police chief. The city is concerned about releasing information about staffing that could harm law enforcement efforts. The stadium is set to open in 2015. -db

From the San Jose Mercury News, October 3, 2011, by Lisa Fernandez.

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  • As the Treasurer of, I’d like to thank Terry Francke and CalAware for stepping up on this issue.

    What a full airing of this issue would have conclusively proven is that, in Santa Clara, we have a plan to put 160 police officers in the middle of an utter jam of 20,000 cars, using barricades at 31 intersections. We will also be closing four streets altogether on NFL event days, including Tasman Drive itself, a thoroughfare that we paid our tax dollars to complete and which serves technology businesses generating much more economic activity for our city than the 49ers ever will.

    However: What we do NOT have is a public safety policy would in any way prepare us for the shootings, beating and brawl we witnessed at Candlestick Park on August 20th and on September 18.

    There is a cult of secrecy surrounding this as well as the issue of the stadium subsidy overall. I’m disappointed but not terribly surprised at the response that CalAware got from my City Hall and then from a court, both of which should have been protecting taxpayers’ right-to-know.

    I can’t help but observe also the double standard associated with the police presence at the Hollister biker gathering – and a similar presence at an NFL stadium in Santa Clara paid for with our tax dollars.

    Best regards,
    Bill Bailey, Treasurer,



    As the Treasurer of, I’d like to thank Terry Francke and CalAware for stepping up on this issue.

    What a full airing of this issue would have conclusively proven is that, in Santa Clara, we have a plan to put 160 police officers in the middle of an utter jam of 20,000 cars, using barricades at 31 intersections. We will also be closing four streets altogether on NFL event days, including Tasman Drive itself, a thoroughfare that we paid our tax dollars to complete and which serves technology businesses generating much more economic activity for our city than the 49ers ever will.

    However: What we do NOT have is a public safety policy would in any way prepare us for the shootings, beating and brawl we witnessed at Candlestick Park on August 20th and on September 18.

    There is a cult of secrecy surrounding this as well as the issue of the stadium subsidy overall. I’m disappointed but not terribly surprised at the response that CalAware got from my City Hall, which should have been protecting Santa Clara residents-and-taxpayers’ right-to-know.

    I can’t help but observe also the double standard associated with the police presence at the Hollister biker gathering – and a similar presence at an NFL stadium in Santa Clara paid for with our tax dollars.

    Best regards,
    Bill Bailey, Treasurer,


  • What a full airing of this issue would have conclusively proven is that, in Santa Clara, we have a plan to put 160 police officers in the middle of an utter jam of 20,000 cars, using barricades at 31 intersections. We will also be closing four streets altogether on NFL event days, including Tasman Drive itself, a thoroughfare that we paid our tax dollars to complete and which serves technology businesses generating much more economic activity for our city than the 49ers ever will.

    However: What we do NOT have is a public safety policy would in any way prepare us for the shootings, beating and brawl we witnessed at Candlestick Park on August 20th and on September 18.

    There is a cult of secrecy surrounding this as well as the issue of the stadium subsidy overall. I’m disappointed but not terribly surprised at the response that CalAware got from my City Hall, which should have been protecting Santa Clara residents-and-taxpayers’ right-to-know.

    I can’t help but observe also the double standard associated with the police presence at the Hollister biker gathering – and a similar presence at an NFL stadium in Santa Clara paid for with our tax dollars.

    Best regards,
    Bill Bailey, Treasurer,


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